Mini Stars


Mini Stars - 6mth to 5yo.

Adelaide Hill Rec Centre’s Mini Stars Free Play classes are supervised, unstructured, child-initiated sessions that allow children to explore the venue in their own time and on their own terms. Free play develops essential gross and fine motor skills as children run, jump, swing, and balance in our well-equipped facility with participants getting to use their imagination through fundamental movement.
While we do have Adelaide Hills Recreation Centre staff supervising and available through these sessions, due to the developmental stage of this age group, parent participation is required throughout the entire session. This allows a higher range of control and safety and the ability to share in the fun!

Tuesday 9.30am & 10.30am
Thursday 9.30am & 10.30am
Wednesday 9.30am & 10.30am
COST: $8.50 per child.
BOOKINGS: Book through the ActiveWorld App!

Active World on the App Store

Active World - Apps on Google Play

Mini Stars - 2024 

  Term Dates Holiday Sessions (9.30am - 11am)
Term 1 Jan 29 - April 12 April: Thursday 18th and Tuesday 23rd
Term 2 April 29 - July 5 July: Thursday 11 and Tuesday 16
Term 3 July 22 - Sep 27 October: Thursday 3 and Tuesday 8
Term 4 Oct 14 - Dec 13 December: Thursday 17 and Tuesday 19

Did you know AHRC host birthday parties? If your child loves our Mini Stars program then why not have a Mini Stars party with us!! click the link below for more detail.

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